Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Why it all begins here

So... This is going to be my first real blog post in English. And honestly, I have no idea where to start. I know it`s weird and all wrong when you write a blog, to say that you do not like writing about yourself. And I don`t believe I would be doing it myself either, if it was 100 % true. Still, I am sort of uncomfortable starting off here, not knowing exactly who will read this, or how they will interpret things.

Therefore I figured I might as well start this blog off by getting everyone on the same page, conserning who I am. And then, after a few more posts, you might get a feeling of what this blog might actually contain.

OK: This is how I looked when I was all cute and everything: 

Today you will usually find me in more awkward situations, looking more messy and less cute like this: 

Some people are fooled by my half shut eyes and think I either look really tired, unhappy or full of thoughts all the time. But don`t be fooled. My hair is blonde, and it does not lie. When I look like that, it is usually just because it takes me a while to realize what is going on. 

That is one of the reasons why it had to be a pug that day when the decision was made to bring a dog into my life A dog is supposed to look like his owner, right? Well, I worked really hard on finding one, but it turned out, there is an animal out there that has the same kind of half shut eyes and funny proportioned look as me: 

Anyways, I guess it is time to get back on track with the timeline here. This is a serious blog after all - in case you hadn`t realized it already.

Me? I grew up in a small town in Norway called Eidsvoll. All my life I have loved to read and see things, and I am so restless, I always wanted to do a little bit more of something. Preferably a little sooner than necessary. That last point started at the time I was born, when my mum gave birth to me the very second she entered the hospital. Figured I might as well keep that speed up somehow. While getting older, I have to admit the speed part might have calmed down quite a bit though...

Eidsvoll is a perfectly OK place to live, but since there are no possibilities to study there, it was quite obviuos to me I had to move when I finished high school. So I did, and I moved across the country to another nice Norwegian city called Stavanger. It turned out to be such a nice place, I chose to stay for five years; basically till I kind of had to move if I wanted to study something new. 

And that is how I ended up moving to Berlin, Germany. 

My Berlin life started in October 2011, and I had my last exam less than a week ago.So now, I am a masters thesis and one and a half year away from finishing a Master of Arts in International Business and Consulting. I am enrolled at Berlin School of Economics and Law, a school I had basically never heard of before I discovered it in a case competition I participated in two years ago. Not such a mystery why, since it is as good as new. Still, they managed to put together a group containing some of the most amazing people I know:

So that was the story about how I got to this point: July 18th 2012, 2 am in the night. 

Right now I am sitting in my parrent`s couch here in Eidsvoll once again, after a wonderful going-away party thrown for me. And the reason why? I am moving to Pune, India 

I have gotten one of the places in the double degree programme my school has with Symbiosis International University, and therefore I will be studying there for the next eight months. And you might not have guessed it, but I am kind of unbelieveably excited about it. I keep counting the minutes. Actually, I was supposed to be there already the 1st of July, but since the exams just ended, there is no way I could have reached there in time.

In the meanwhile I am doing all the research my mind is willing to do in what seems to be the last few days of "pressure free moments" before the big trip begins.

Everyone keeps asking me if I am scared or worried about moving to a third world country like India is. And I guess, as any normal human being, I am thinking about it. Coming from such a.. protected..? place like Norway is, I know it will have to turn out to be different from what I am used to. But that is a big part of why I want to go as well. We learn so much about these differences in school, on TV, from the books we read and the stories we hear - but I have never really experienced it my self. I really hope to get an understanding of what living in India is really about. 

Also, the programme I will be taking part of, also ensures I will not be going there alone. One other student from Germany is going, and also two students from the Indian part of the programme will be traveling there with me - and all three of them will be living in the same campus as I. It really eases the worries a lot to be able to ask stupid questions to someone who knows exactly how it is there. Also, these three guys are amongst my best friends from Berlin, so I know we will be there for each other if anything comes up while we are there. These are the guys:

I am leaving for Pune in about one week. First there are a million things that has to be done, like getting my insurance, making sure I have all the finances needed in place, taking the remaining vaccines, meeting the company I want to write my thesis with, saying goodbye to all my friends and family - and packing. Oh, my God, I have no idea how I will ever be able to pack only one suitcase for a year in India. Any kinds of tips are welcome.

Bits and pieces


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