Sunday, July 22, 2012

22nd of July 2012

I almost cannot believe it has already been a year since the terrorist attack here in Norway. Before leaving for India, I decided to go to Oslo today and participate in the 1.year National Remembrance Concert - together with my family and a good friend.

So how are concerts like these in Norway?
The governmental owned TV-channel was in charge of the whole evening - which was a great thing, because it somehow included something for everyone who was there. Well known Norwegian writers, surviving kids and adults with their stories, the primeminister held a speech thanking everyone who have helped afterwards and many of our most beloved artists had small performances with new songs written more or less for this occacion. And roses, lots and lots of roses. A good way for everyone I think.

It was an amazing experience being there today, and I felt a tonne lighter when going to bed today than I have for a long time. Even though this night definitely wasn`t about me, the attack did something to absolutely everyone I know here in Norway, and it is such a relieving feeling to be able to share theese kinds of moments with so many people that you know feel the same way as you in some way.


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