Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Why don't you start blogging in English, now that your life is getting interesting?

Well.. As my class mate Radek put it: "nobody really cared about the pictures I was posting while I lived in Berlin, but now that I am moving halfway across the earth - people might actually start wanting to read what I have to tell"

I am not so sure my life will turn more interesting or worth reading about, but since the complaints keep coming in about the quality of google translate, I figured I might just open this blog to do my part in maintaining Radek's inner world peace.

The plan is to put in as much as I can of my posts here as well, but if the posts come too seldomly for you, you are welcome to continue the google translating of my Norwegian blog instead of biting your nails off. If that could ever turn out to be the alternatives you are left with.

Bits and pieces


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