Sunday, August 5, 2012

Model United Nations - Indian Style

One of the things that impresses me the most over here, is my fellow students. After finishing those 12 hours of school, they still have tonnes of energy for extra curricular activities. Some of them teaches children from the streets, they have movie clubs, arrange conferenses and debates.

Yesterday they arranged a simulated UN conferense, and of course Wowa and I took part in it when we were asked.. Since we are fresh meat, newly imported from Germany, they asked us to represent Germany. That was kind of scary, since everyone sort of expected us to know everything about the political system and their opinions and... war and world peace and..such as.. Well, since I`ve only lived there since october last year, so that wasn`t particularly true. Thank God Wowa was there, who knows quite a bit more. And in the end, it turned out to be a lot more fun than anything else. It was definitely my kind of a thing.
The debate was about the Arab Spring, and the goal of the game was to create to resolutions that together would stabilize the situation down there. Quite a task, huh? Well, believe it or not, we did it.With tonnes of laughs as well.

Here are a few pictures from it:

The executive board - or the judges if you`d like

"Dear congress"

The turkish team and I got very well along
Preparations till far past midnight the ngiht before


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