Thursday, August 16, 2012

I did something this week that has made a greater impression to me than a lot of other things I have ever done in my life.

Everywhere I go, I seeso much poverty, and where ever I move there are children begging for money. We have been told not to give them any money or anything, because the money will never go to them - but to other people forcing these kids to do it, because people like me will feel sorry for them and give in. It definitely works. It hurts into my the back of my spine every time I see a two year old kid with big brown eyes and the skinniest little fingers you could ever imagine. I want to give him my entire wallet, but I know it will only make the situation worse over time is those men make money through these kids. So most of the time I force myself to turn my back to them and walk away.

Earlier this week it just got too tough though. While walking into KFC to eat, something broke inside me. Sometimes they are just too hungry and too cute to ignore. It felt especially wrong walking past them, while I was about to eat junk food, just because I was sick of the food in the school cafeteria. On my way out I bought three bags of french fries and gave them to a tiny kid outside the store. He was so happy he screamed and hugged those bags of fries in a way I have never seen anyone hug a present they have gotten in their life before.

I don`t think I will ever forget that kid.
And do you know what? Through those bags of chips, I felt like I did something more meaningful than anything I have ever done before.


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